Access to the Liturgical Forum will allow you to actively participate in the iBreviary Pro Terra Sancta community.

Requesting access as a “Contributor” will allow you to:


  • submit texts, article and other material for liturgical use
  • write articles and comments related to liturgical and ecclesial themes
  • share your comments on the Word of God
  • suggest links to article, videos and other multimedia
  • submit the texts of your homilies*

*the publication of homilies requires a request from the user and is dependant on the subsequent approval of the Administrator 

Even without registering, all user who access the iBreviary website will be able to comment on the various contributions, participate in discussions on iBreviary proposed by Contributors or the Administrator, and thus share their reflections with the iBreviary community on the different issues concerning the Catholic Liturgy.


**the iBreviary is not responsible in any way for the content published by Contributors or users within the Liturgical Forum Contributions, once the registration of the Contributor is accepted, are automatically published and not subject to scrutiny.
iBreviary reserves the right to delete at its sole discretion any contribution deemed inappropriate


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