Download iBreviary "Pro Terra Sancta"

The new iBreviary "Pro Terra Sancta" is available for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Mini. The newest version of the iBreviary (full of great new features) is available on the App Store.

Pray online or put iBreviary on your website or blog

Do you want to put the IBreviary on your website or blog? Do you want to give your visitors the chance to pray on your site? 

The iBreviary can be inserted through a simple window (installation of additional software is not required) on your website.


In this way, you can offer your visitors the opportunity to pray online and spread the beauty of Catholic Prayer through your website / blog. 

You can also use your site for your daily prayer online. 

iBreviary for Android

Do you have a Google Android phone? Find the application on Android Market. If your phone is not compatible, download the APK and install it manually on your smartphone.




iBreviary for Blackberry!

iBreviary for Blackberry is AVAILABLE!*

Download iBreviary from this link (then install it with BB Desktop Manager) or download it from App World.
*only version 5.0


do you need help?


Contact Us

Donate for iBreviary Website

SUPPORT new iBreviary website with your DONATION
Project target: 6.000$
Actual donations: 1.300$

Logo ProTerraSancta Colori web high trasp 



Carissimi, avvertiamo tutti che i programmi che svuotano la cache del'iphone (es. battery, ed altri) causano il blocco dell'applicazione, eliminando alcuni file importanti.

Potete tranquillamente utilizzarli, ma ricordatevi che dopo dovrete reinstallare l'applicazione.

Stiamo ciomunque ponendo rimedio, con un nuovo piccolo aggiornamento che uscirà nei prossimi giorni.

Buona preghiera


Aleteia is an open network that welcomes the contributions of people seeking Truth, including comments, critiques, suggestions, etc. We are constructing a community of "Truth Seekers" who help select the site's content by sharing, commenting and rating stories. is the official website of the Custody of the Holy Land. It provides all the information, news, insights on the sites of Jesus The site is the official organ of the Franciscan Friars who work in the Holy Land.


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